Cybersecurity for companies

AntiDDoS Transit

Designed for complex network infrastructure, Transit AntiDDoS offers unparalleled protection against attacks.

AntiDDoS Transit

An essential solution in today’s cyber threat landscape, designed to protect organisations’ network infrastructure against devastating distributed denial of service attacks.

Continuous protection

Provides 24/7 monitoring against DDoS attacks, ensuring that online services remain operational and accessible at all times.

Real-time analysis and reporting

Provides complete visibility into network traffic, enabling enterprises to identify and analyze attacks and adjust their defense strategies as needed.

Automatic mitigation

Automatically detects and neutralizes malicious traffic before it can affect network infrastructure, minimizing downtime and impact on end users.

Improved Network Performance

By filtering out unwanted traffic, the service improves network efficiency and performance, ensuring an optimal user experience for critical applications and services.

What they say about us

more cybersecurity


All our data centers offer a variety of firewall technologies from leading security manufacturers such as Fortinet and Hillstone.


We carry out a report on the collection of sensitive data available on the internet. This analysis is completely free and non-intrusive, we only use a domain to perform it.

Vulnerability scanning

Security teams can detect breaches, weaknesses or a vulnerability in any part of the system, network or web applications.

Backup recovery

Protect your company's data whether it's on computers, on a server or in a cloud environment.

Do you want to improve your company's cybersecurity?