Cybersecurity for companies

Backup recovery

Protect your company’s data whether it’s on computers, on a server or in cloud environments.

This service is designed to minimise the risk of data loss due to hardware failure, natural disasters or cyber attacks, providing businesses with peace of mind knowing that their digital assets are secure and accessible at all times.

Protect your company's data

Ensure that your company’s critical business information is safeguarded and can be retrieved in the event of any eventuality.

Contingency and disaster recovery disaster recovery plans

Along with backups, organizations should have detailed contingency and disaster recovery plans outlining the steps to be taken in the event of a major incident, including the restoration of critical data and systems.

Regular data backup

Regular backups of business-critical data are essential. This involves copying data from the production environment to various secure storage, on a local offsite device and in the cloud.

Recovery testing

It is not enough to simply perform backups; it is also essential to regularly test recovery procedures to ensure that data can be effectively restored should the need arise. These tests can reveal potential problems or deficiencies in the recovery processes.

Secure storage

Backups should be stored securely, preferably in an offline or remote location that is protected against unauthorized access.

Network segmentation and backup storage

To mitigate the risk of backups also being compromised in a cyber attack, it is advisable to store them in separate, protected network segments, with access restricted to authorized users only.

Implementing retention policies

It is important to establish data retention policies that determine how long backups are kept. This ensures that data is retained for the time required for recovery, but also helps to optimize the use of storage space.

Encryption considerations

To further protect backup data, encryption can be used both during storage and during data transfer between the production environment and backup storage.

What they say about us

more cybersecurity


All our data centers offer a variety of firewall technologies from leading security manufacturers such as Fortinet and Hillstone.


We carry out a report on the collection of sensitive data available on the internet. This analysis is completely free and non-intrusive, we only use a domain to perform it.

Vulnerability scanning

Security teams can detect breaches, weaknesses or a vulnerability in any part of the system, network or web applications.

Anti-DDOS Transit

Designed for complex network infrastructure, anti-DDOS transit offers unparalleled protection against attacks.

Do you want to improve your company's cybersecurity?