Cloud desktop
On-site workstation from any device, anywhere, at any time.
Through the virtualisation of the desktop of their work device, your employee will be able to work from home without sacrificing their productivity and having all the information they need at their disposal.
Cloud desktop
A virtualized solution that allows users to access their applications, data and complete desktop resources from anywhere and on any Internet-connected device.
Enhanced Accessibility
Access your desktop and applications from anywhere, promoting flexibility and remote working.
Enhanced Security
Centralize data and applications on secure servers, minimizing the risk of data loss or theft.
Simplified Management
Facilitates updating, maintenance and deployment of applications and operating systems through a single point of control.
Reduced Costs
Reduces the need for expensive hardware and reduces operational expenses associated with equipment maintenance.
What they say about us

Cloud server
A comprehensive solution that allows you to deploy virtual hardware and software infrastructures on a flexible, dynamic and scalable platform.
Cloud hub
A virtual office tool focused on collaborative work and storage.
Cloud directory
This type of directory stores information about users, groups, resources and policies within a centralized organization and is accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Cloud backup
Our backup will ensure that your company's processes are not interrupted by a cyber-attack.
Cloud controlbox
Controlbox allows you to monitor the activity of both on-site and remote workers. This allows you to minimize bad practices, avoiding possible security breaches.