Cloud hub

A virtual office tool focused on collaborative work and storage. This tool has been developed with the aim of optimizing the synchronization, use and collaborative storage of files, allowing work in real time without collision of editions.

Cloud hub

An innovative solution in network interconnection and cloud service management, designed to make it easier for your company to efficiently integrate and orchestrate your distributed IT resources.

Enhanced Connectivity

Facilitates seamless integration between various cloud platforms and enterprise networks, ensuring efficient and seamless communication.

Centralized Management

Provides a single dashboard for managing all cloud services and connections, simplifying the management of your enterprise infrastructure.

Enhanced Security

Deploys advanced security protocols and unified access policies across all cloud connections, enhancing data protection.

Agility and Scalability

Enables businesses to quickly adapt to changing market demands and scale their IT resources with ease, without compromising performance.

What they say about us

Our other cloud services

Cloud server

A comprehensive solution that allows you to deploy virtual hardware and software infrastructures on a flexible, dynamic and scalable platform.

Cloud desktop

On-site workplace from any device, anywhere, at any time.

Cloud directory

This type of directory stores information about users, groups, resources and policies within an organization centrally and accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Cloud backup

Our backup will ensure that your company's processes are not interrupted by a cyber-attack.

Cloud controlbox

Controlbox allows you to supervise the activity of both on-site workers and teleworkers. This allows you to minimize bad practices, avoiding possible security breaches.

cloud para empresas

Boost your company's productivity with our cloud