Cloud controlbox

Increase productivity and avoid internal security breaches. Controlbox allows you to monitor the activity of both on-site and telecommuting workers. This allows you to minimize bad practices, avoiding possible security breaches.

How? Through a comprehensive record of activity from a single tool in the cloud, with a functional and intuitive interface that offers: alerts system, graphs, reports, different administrator roles; and also fully configurable.


A scalable solution according to the number of employees, which adapts to the needs of any company, allowing the configuration of work groups, or monitoring levels per employee or position.

Centralized Management

Provides a single point of control to manage all cloud resources, simplifying infrastructure and application management.

Complete Visibility

Provides detailed, real-time insight into resource usage, performance and costs, facilitating informed decision making.

Process Automation

Enables automation of routine tasks and implementation of security and compliance policies, increasing operational efficiency.

Security and Compliance

Improves security posture with advanced monitoring and risk management tools, ensuring regulatory compliance.

What they say about us

Our other cloud services

Cloud server

An end-to-end solution that enables the deployment of virtual hardware and software infrastructures on a flexible, dynamic and scalable platform.

Cloud desktop

On-site workplace from any device, anywhere, at any time.

Cloud hub

A virtual office tool focused on collaborative work and storage.

Cloud directory

This type of directory stores information about users, groups, resources and policies within an organization centrally and accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Cloud backup

Our backup will ensure that your company's processes are not interrupted by a cyber-attack.

cloud para empresas

Boost your company's productivity with our cloud