Telephony for companies

Sending bulk SMS

With our sending system you can manage the delivery of text messages quickly, securely, reliably and economically.

Build bulk SMS campaigns, send them and measure the results.

Use our Bulk SMS platform to reach hundreds of thousands of people in less than an hour and at the best price on the market.

Notices and reminders

Perfect for payment reminders, notifications, etc.

Advertising and marketing

Inform your customers about discounts, special days, promotions, etc.

Maximize the recipient's attention and impact

SMS messages are received and read almost instantly.

The best of bulk SMS

SMS is a non-intrusive communication channel, where the final recipient will receive the message without interruptions.

What they say about us

more telephony


Complete range of high quality voice services, with all the features you need to offer more products, faster and with only a limited investment.

Mobile telephony

Our mobile telephony offer using the best national coverage, and with all international agreements.

Virtual Switchboard

Switchboards based on IP telephony, completely replacing the proprietary public switchboard.


Take advantage of your switchboard by creating a virtual circuit through which your company's calls will pass.

Do you want to improve your company's telephony?